
Flea magnified on a blanket

Flea Control

The complete life cycle of the flea takes only four weeks in the summer months. Adult fleas feed on blood and their bites can cause intense irritation around a central bright red spot. People react differently to a bite, both in terms of degree of reaction and time taken to react – hence the need for flea pest control and flea treatment.

It’s best to treat infested pets with a special veterinary aerosol, powder, shampoo or flea medication. Burn any infested bedding and spray a appropriate insecticide into all cracks and crevices.

More serious flea infestation will need our qualified flea control services.

Life Cycle of Fleas

All adult fleas are parasitic on warm-blooded animals. Larval stages live in the nest of the host and feed on skin, feathers and, most importantly, the blood-rich faeces of the adult flea. When fully grown the larvae spin well camouflaged silken cocoons. The adult waits within this until it detects the vibrations caused by a potential host. The complete life cycle of the flea takes only four weeks in the summer months. Adult fleas feed on blood. Their bites can cause intense irritation around a central bright red spot. Different people react differently to a bite, both in terms of degree of reaction and time taken to react – hence the need for flea pest control and flea treatment services.


Flea traps under an office desk

The most common species in the UK is the Cat Flea which bites humans. The Human Flea and the Bird Flea are next in magnitude. Dog fleas are less common, although other species may become briefly attached to dogs in the wait for a more favourable host.

Contact Front Row and speak to the experts in commercial pest control. 

Call us on 01604 416613 or complete the enquiry form.